• 15 Harold Parker Rd
  • Andover, MA -1845

The Friends of Harold Parker invite the public to join us for a hike to Delano Pond at 1PM on Sunday Sept 22. We'll meet at the Chimney lot (first parking lot on left from entrance on Rt.125) on Harold Parker Rd. in Andover.

The hike will be lead by Bob Anderson. Bob served as park interpreter for Harold Parker from 2006 – 2014 and initiated the popular Wednesday Walks that go on to this day. He has wide ranging knowledge of the forest's wildlife and history. We are fortunate to have him back for this event.

The hike will be in celebration not only of the first day of Fall but of a new bridge, built as Andover resident Ely Remes' Eagle Scout project. The 45 foot long bridge completes a loop trail around Delano Pond, the upper most of 4 connected ponds built by the Civilian Conservation Corp in the 1930's. Delano is the most remote of the ponds and all materials for the bridge had to be carried in, on foot, over a quarter of a mile. The bridge opens up a beautiful area of the forest for exploration and makes it possible to circumnavigate the entire western part of Harold Parker. It is a valuable addition to the trail system.

The hike will cover approximately 2 miles. Dress for the weather. Bug repellent and hiking shoes recommended.